
Counselling is a formal helping profession that helps clients resolve personal, emotional, psychological, and trauma related problems. In most therapeutic models, substantial consideration is given to the causes of these problems to help manage them.


Coaching is a formal helping profession, consisting of a collaborative relationship between a trained coach and client. Coaching helps a person gain a deeper understanding of their circumstances, while using their strengths, abilities, and insights to shift toward their desired future.

Hi, my name is Mona. I am a Professional Counsellor-Candidate (RPC-C). Life is messy and hard and beautiful, and sad. It will take your breath away at times. I believe one piece of our journey through this life is to learn how to hold it all. The beauty, the sadness, the grief, the bliss, the love, all of it. My goal is to help others heal and hold all of it. I want to help you become aware of it, hold it tenderly, and slowly find your inner strength, wisdom, and knowing to move through your own healing journey. Supporting you and helping you unravel what is asking to be seen and acknowledged. It would be my great honor and privilege to assist you on your healing journey. I also believe in the deep wisdom of the body and if we are willing to look and lovingly hold what needs to be held and witnessed the body will help us to uncover the deep strength and knowing that resides there. It is slow, tender work that asks a lot of each of us, but also grants us so much in return. My aim is to create a warm, safe environment where you are free to come as you are and feel welcomed and accepted.

I am informed in the following areas: trauma, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), narrative therapy, and somatic, (or body-based therapy).

Coaching: I also enjoy coaching and have a Life-Skills Coaching Certificate. Coaching can be defined as, “partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.”

Coaching is a collaborative relationship between a trained coach and a client looking for self-discovery, self-awareness and a deeper sense of satisfaction and fulfillment. Coaching happens in an environment where clients can freely express their emotions, be profoundly heard, manage their internal blocks, clarify their intentions and desires, and become more self-directed. Coaches are trained in fundamental skills including listening, empathy, cultivating insightful reflections and asking powerful questions. Coaches use a variety of tools and techniques to help clients brainstorm and think differently.

Hi, my name is Mona. I am a Professional Counsellor-Candidate (RPC-C). Life is messy and hard and... Read More

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